BTS Full Form In Mobile Communication में क्या होता है?

दोस्तों ‌आज हम BTS Full Form In Mobile Communication में क्या होता है के बारे में पुरी जानकारी देने वाले हैं अगर आपको BTS के बारे में जानने में interested है तो आगे आप पर सकते हैं।

दोस्तों आपने कभी ना कभी BTS के बारे में सूना हीं होगा लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं BTS का क्या use होता है और कहां पर इस्तेमाल होता है।

भारत में हजारों प्रकार के Full Form का उपयोग किया जाता हैं, और उसी में से एक BTS Ka Full Form भी होता है, आज हम आपको BTS के full form के सारे full form बताने वाले है।

BTS Full Form In Mobile Communication में क्या होता है?
BTS Full Form In Mobile Communication में क्या होता है?

BTS Full Form In Mobile Communication में क्या होता है?

The BTS Full Form In Mobile Communication is Base Transceiver Station. The BTS is generally used to signify the Base Station in GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) terminology. 

This facilitates wireless communication between user equipment (mobiles, computers with wireless internet connectivity) and a network.

The BTS usually contain a Transceiver (TRX), Combiner, Power Amplifier (PA), Control Function, Alarm Extension System, Antenna, Multiplexer, and Baseband receiver unit (BBRU). 

BTS Full Form In Mobile Communication In Hindi में क्या होता है?

The Full Form In Mobile Communication is  Base Transceiver Station होता है। The BTS word is used to denote a base station in Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) terminology. 

A BTS contain of an antenna and radio equipment for necessary to communicated by a radio with the Mobile Station (MS). A Base Transceiver Station (BTS) is under control of a BSC, which is in turn under control of a Mobile Switching Centre (MSC).

What Is Base Transceiver Station In Hindi में क्या होता है?

BTS एक equipment का एक टुकड़ा है, जो कि उपयोगकर्ता उपकरण (UE) और नेटवर्क के बीच वायरलेस संचार की सुविधा प्रदान करता है। UE Mobile phones (handsets), वायरलेस इंटरनेट कनेक्टिविटी वाले कंप्यूटर जैसे उपकरण हैं।

Network किसी भी wireless communication तकनीक जैसे GSM, CDMA, Wi-Fi, LTE, 5G या अन्य वाइड एरिया नेटवर्क (WAN) तकनीक का हो सकता है।

BTS को Radio Base Station (RBS), node B (3जी नेटवर्क) या, Base Station (BS) के रूप में भी जाना जाता है। एलटीई मानक की चर्चा के लिए विकसित नोड बी के लिए संक्षिप्त नाम ईएनबी का व्यापक रूप से उपयोग किया जाता है।

What Is Base Transceiver Station Definition?

A base transceiver station (BTS) is a fixed radio transceiver in a any type of mobile network. The BTS connects mobile devices to the network.

It will be send and receives radio signals to mobile devices and convert to the them to digital signals that it passes on the network to route to other terminals in the network or to the Internet.

What Is Base Transceiver Station Function?

The BTS word is used to denote a base station in Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) terminology. 
A BTS contain of an antenna and radio equipment for necessary to communicated by a radio with the Mobile Station (MS). 

That BTS, and all the others in the wider network for that carrier, are connected back to the MTSO (Mobile Telephone Switching Office, the CO (Central Office for “regular phones”) equivalent.

How Many BTS Can Be Connected To BSC?

If a BTS is configured as one cell it is called an “Omnidirectional BTS” and if it is configured as either two or three cells it is called a “Sectorised BTS”. 

In an omnidirectional BTS the maximum number of TRXs is four, and in a sectorised BTS the maximum number of TRXs is four per sector.

BTS Full Form In Mobile Communication में क्या होता है?
BTS Full Form In Mobile Communication में क्या होता है?

What Is BTS And MS?

The BTS word used to denote a base station in GSM terminology. A BTS consists of an antenna and radio equipment necessary to communicated by radio with a Mobile Station (MS). Each and each BTS covers a defined area, he is also known as a cell.

FAQS For BTS Full Form In Mobile Communication में क्या होता है?

How Much Is BTS Net Worth?

According to The Wealth Record, BTS net worth is $100 million.

Which is a controller of Group of BTS or cell towers?

The base transceiver station (BTS) is connected to a radio network controller (RNC) via the landline. The RNC manages several base transceiver stations.

The radio network controller is connected to a mobile switching center. Each Mobile Switching Center (MSC) manages the cell towers in the same coverage area.

Which cable media is taken in case of BTS?

The BTS is also known as node B (in 3G networks) or, simply, base station (BS).

The abbreviation ENB for Node B is widely used for discussion of the LTE standard, and GnoDB for 5G.

दोस्तों आप इस Video के जरिए भी BTS Ka Full Form जान सकते हैं।

Conclusion For BTS Full Form In Mobile Communication में क्या होता है?

दोस्तों आज के Article में हमने आपको बताया कि BTS Full Form In Mobile Communication में क्या होता? क्या होता है और इसके साथ-साथ हमने आपको इसका हिंदी में भी अर्थ बताया।

अगर इनके अलावा यदि आपके पास और जानकारियां है तो आप कमेंट के माध्यम से हमें जरूर बताएं ताकि हम आपका सुझाव अन्य सभी लोगो तक पहुंचा सकें।
यदि आपको हमारे द्वारा दी गई है सारी जानकारी उपयोगी लगी हो तो इसे दूसरे लोगों के साथ भी share करें।

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