PCR Full Form In Telivesion में क्या होता है? – PCR Ka Full Form And Hindi Meaning

दोस्तों आज के इस Post में हम आपको PCR Full Form In Telivesion में क्या होता है, और PCR ka full form और PCR meaning in Hindi के बारे में जानकारी देने वाले है। 

We are talking about PCR Full Form In Telivesion, In this post we will discuss about Full Form Of Telivesion with complete knowledge of PCR.

दोस्तों हम लोग आम जिन्दगी मे हम हमेशा कई बार ये शब्द सुनते हैं, शायद बोलते भी हैं पर बहुत से लोग हैं।

PCR Full Form In Telivesion में क्या होता है? – PCR Ka Full Form And Hindi Meaning

PCR Full Form In Telivesion में क्या होता है?

The PCR Full Form In Telivesion Is Production Control Room होता है, और इसे हिंदी में उत्पादन नियंत्रण कक्ष बोलते हैं।

The production control room (PCR) or studio control room (SCR) is the location in a television studio where the outgoing show is composed.

The production control room is also known as an SCR or a gallery, the latter term referring to the director’s initial position on an ornately carved bridge spanning the BBC’s first studio at Alexandra Palace, which was originally described to as a minstrels’ gallery.

Most over-the-air television stations and television networks use master control as the technological core of their broadcast operation. A master control system differs from a PCR used in television studios, where tasks such as camera switching are coordinated.

A transmission control room (TCR) is a scaled-down form of centralcasting that is generally smaller in size.

PCR Full Form In Telivesion In Hindi में क्या होता है?

The PCR Full Form In Telivesion Is Production Control Room होता है, और इसे हिंदी में उत्पादन नियंत्रण कक्ष बोलते हैं।

The production control room (PCR) or studio control room (SCR) is the place in a television studio in which the composition of the outgoing program takes place.

The production control room is occasionally also called an SCR or a gallery – the latter name comes from the original placement of the director on an ornately carved bridge spanning the BBC’s first studio at Alexandra Palace which was once referred to as like a minstrels’ gallery. 

Master control is the technical hub of a broadcast operation common among most over-the-air television stations and television networks. Master control is distinct from a PCR in television studios where the activities such as switching from camera to camera are coordinated.

A transmission control room (TCR) is usually smaller in size and is a scaled-down version of centralcasting.

What is the role of production control room?

In television and video production, especially live or live-on-tape programs, a room containing monitors, speakers, switching boards, effects generators, and other equipment, used to monitor and edit a program on-the-fly, or as it is being taped.

What is panel control room?

Control panel is used to accommodate instruments for the purpose of measurement, monitoring, protection, detection, control and manage the processes. The panels are located in a control room as well as a field termed as a local control panel (LCP) for operational convenience.

What is the use of master control?

Master control operators are responsible for monitoring the quality and accuracy of the on-air product, ensuring the transmission meets government regulations, troubleshooting equipment malfunctions, and preparing programming for playout.

FAQS For PCR Full Form In Telivesion

  1. What is a controlled room?

    A control room or operations room is a central space where a large physical facility or physically dispersed service can be monitored and controlled. It is often part of a larger command center.

  2. What is Master Control in PLC?

    Master controls can be thought of as “emergency stop switches”. An emergency stop switch typically is a big red button on a machine that will shut it off in cases of emergency. Next time you’re at the local gas station station look near the door on the outside to see an example of an e-stop.

  3. What is production control process?

    Production control is the task of predicting, planning and scheduling work, taking into account manpower, materials availability and other capacity restrictions, and cost so as to achieve proper quality and quantity at the time it is needed and then following up the schedule to see that the plan is carried out.

आप इस video के जरिए भी PCR Ka Full Form जान सकते हैं।

Conclusion For PCR Full Form In Telivesion 

दोस्तों आशा करते हैं कि अपको PCR Full Form In Telivesion और PCR Meaning In Telivesion पता लग गया होगा कि PCR Ka Full Form क्या होता है। 

PCR Full Form In Telivesion पर दी गयी जानकारी आपको कैसी लगी आप हमे comment द्वारा बता सकते है इसके अलावा अगर आपका कोई सवाल या फिर सुझाव हो तो वो भी हमे जरूर बताया है।

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